Level One: Creation’s Praise
- Created things like trees, rocks and nature praise by keeping their order.
- This is the most basic level of praise.
- It is done unwittingly or without understanding.
- Remember: Someone or something is going to praise God – Period.
Level Two: Angelic Praise
- Angels and heavenly hosts were created to praise God.
- They have knowledge and understanding of Who He is and how worthy He is – but they do not experience the miracle of salvation.
Level Three: “How Great Thou Art” Praise
- Head knowledge is not the same as heart knowledge.
- One can mentally assent to the majesty and power of God and even render some sort of praise at this level.
- Some time ago, there was a cartoon character who was standing on a hill watching shooting stars. He was applauding and saying, “Yeah, God!” This is a summation of level three.
- This still holds God at a distance.
Level Four: “Osmosis” Praise
- This kind of praise happens when someone nearby enters into the presence of God.
- As they enter into the courts of praise and their vessel becomes full, it overflows and spreads to others.
Level Five: Praise with Understanding
- This kind of praise is born out of a heart full of thanksgiving.
- “God healed me when I had cancer.” “I was hit by a car and God spared my life.” “God delivered my father from a life of alcoholism.”
- Praise begins to focus on the goodness of God, on the great things He has done, on His mighty acts – to deliver, to save to heal.
- A thankful heart can usher one further into the courts of praise.
Level Six: “God Focused” Praise
- At some point your mind will start to consider His goodness, His greatness – not just to you, but to us all.
- James says that “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16).
- There is little doubt that the praise of a righteous man is worth something to God also.
- There are times when the praise of one is joined to the praise of another. This occurs in corporate worship.
- More is accomplished by a joint effort than could be accomplished by one alone.
- This kind of praise invites the presence of the Lord and allows it to flow like a sweet fragrance throughout the room. It begins to minister to those who came empty – to fill and bless them, ushering each one into the Holy Place where His Spirit has free course.
Level Seven: Battlefield Praise
- Fear and doubt are combated and defeated. Those who were entrapped by fear and doubt can now move into the realm of thanksgiving, and from there, into praise. Then this happens, praise is strengthened and moves into yet another level.
Level Eight: Ordained Praise
Consider the account of the triumphal entry.
- The ministry of Jesus had crescendoed to a level which could no longer be denied. Praise had to occur.
- There is a level at which the foundations have been laid, they have been built upon and “the tower” has reached the heavens – a spiritual tension is at its climax and the result is – something has got to give praise!
- When this level of praise occurs, souls are effected for eternity’s sake. Chains of fear and doubt are loosed. The brokenhearted are healed, deliverance is preached, blind recover their sight, and the bruised are set at liberty.
Level Nine: Perfect Praise
- Perfected praise, is praise without an agenda of any kind, praise at its most sincere, praise in its purest form, and it is high praise indeed.
- It’s the place where all thought of self is gone and no other remains but the desire to love, exalt and please God.
- It is a holy possibility.
Excerpts from the book Glorify
by Marjorie J. Kinnee