Don’t tell God how big your problems are…Tell your problems how BIG GOD is!
ACTS-adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication
BEGIN WITH SILENCE-prayer begins with silence to allow the Holy Spirit to shape and form our words.
BODY PRAYER-touch your head and remember the ways you are close to God; forehead-for wisdom; mouth-to speak kindly and Christ-like; heart-be open-hearted and love generously; belly-feel deeply, belly laugh, belly cry and deep compassion; hands-service; legs-walk in the way of the lord.
CRESCENDO PRAYERS-begin your prayer in a normal tone of voice and get louder and louder until you are shouting with praise, gradually reduce the volume to a whisper.
FOXHOLE PRAYERS-those spontaneous prayers for help when we are in trouble
NAMING GOD-think of all the ways we think of God. Father, gracious Lord, Creator, Christ Jesus, tender Shepherd, heavenly King, Holy Spirit, beautiful Savior…..
PARALLEL PRAYER-while an event or activity is taking place, a parallel prayer effort is held.
Parents may gather for prayer while the youth group is on a retreat or…youth may gather for prayer while the church council is meeting.
PLEASE, SORRY, THANK YOU-an easy way to help young people in their prayer life
PRAYER AS CONVERSATION-prayer is as simple as talking with a close friend.
RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE-don’t wait for a “special occasion”, as you meet children, youth and adults at church, in the mall, at school, offer a short 10 second prayer. “Dear God, may their day be…..” or “O God, ……needs your strength, comfort, wisdom, etc. right now.”
T.R.I.P-take a prayer trip by remembering we are called to offer prayers of Thanksgiving, Repentance, Intercession and Purpose (what God wants from us)
WHISPER-for those uncomfortable or unaccustomed to prayer… a one word whisper is still a prayer.
WINK PRAYER-often used in restaurants or when others remind us of the presence of God.