Scriptures to Pray

COMFORT Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. Psalms 55:22 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 …”I will never leave you or forsake yo
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Praying Through Failure

You did it! You messed up, big time. You let yourself and probably others down. You failed! But you aren’t a failure. Your emotions might tell you that you are. Your friends might tell you that you are. Some of your family might even say that you are. And the worse one… yo
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Prayer at Exam Time

STRESS! Most teenagers know this familiar feeling that comes with subject tests, pop-quizzes, mid-terms, finals or other tests such as the SAT and ACT. The stress is even greater when you finally admit… that YOU did NOT study! A prayer in itself generally won’t get you tha
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Creating a Vocabulary of Praise

A Focus on God’s Attributes I’ve always been able to hold up my end of a conversation without difficulty. Except, that is, when it came to prayer, and particularly when I tried to express my praise to God. Attempting to begin and end my prayer times with praise and adoration, I
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Levels of Praise

Level One: Creation’s Praise Created things like trees, rocks and nature praise by keeping their order. This is the most basic level of praise. It is done unwittingly or without understanding. Remember: Someone or something is going to praise God – Period.  Level Two: Angelic Praise A
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Prayer Survey

Use the following survey about your prayer life. Circle the number that each row’s answer mostly leans toward. I like to pray, and am happy to go to prayer meetings. 1 2 3 4 5  I don’t like to pray very much, though I know I need to. I have a routine and consistant prayer
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A Evening of Prayer for Youth

If you are looking for a creative way to spend an evening with your youth in prayer, consider the outline below. You can use this to focus on God, each person, each other, and the world. There are several activities below as examples of things you can do with your group. The typical t
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Using Scripture in Prayer

I don’t know anyone who knows what to pray all the time. There are some situations and events that happen in our lives that leave us feeling clueless as to what to pray. For God to answer our prayers, it must be in His will – that’s scriptural. But what if we aren
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Evening Prayer Lock-In

Cynthia Washington In the midst of ministry expansion projects, our small congregation really needed God’s direction and blessing. That’s when the Lord led our prayer group leader to call for an eight-hour prayer lock-in. Members brought Bibles, candles, worship music, journals, and s
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Five Conditions of Answered Prayer

John 15:7 & Selected (adapted from a sermon by Rick Warren & from “Invited into His Presence” by Gene Barron) You’ve probably had people say to you, “I tried prayer and it didn’t work. I had a need and prayed about it. After I’d prayed for a
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